Friday, May 09, 2014

Bouchercon Bound

So we're going to Bouchercon.

I really don't have much to say beyond that because I am partly (greatly) horrified I even agreed to this. It's so long since I've done live and in person at an actual conference. I mean conference not writing retreat (retreat I am good at)!

But it's right here in our own backyard, and I couldn't seem to come up with a decent reason NOT to go. So...Bouchercon. November.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So poking around your site again was a lot of fun. You and Mr. Thrilling really did do a bang up job with the concept and design. I just realized--duh--your entrance and sitemap graphics are Dell mapback covers, and I'm blaming you for the time suck because I ended up checking out hundreds of them! So cool. My eyes glazed over somewhere around #400, but I ran across the two you used earlier and had to smile at the titles.

If you can't manage to squeeze in that gothic mash-up before Bouchercon, what about a collection of Mary Kelly stories? Say a new short, plus a finished version of 'The Mummy Case' serial, along with 'Just One of Those Things'. Not sure if the word count works, but it's just a thought.
